Today, I would like you to take the time out to gather all your old writing, and read through it. Don't make any changes or edits. Simply read and assess all of your past writing. Start with your oldest work and work your way up to your newest stuff. See how your writing has changed or evolved, if it has at all.

The purpose of this exercise is to reflect and remember where you have come from as a writer. When I look back at my old work, there is some of it I like and some of it I don't like. But, reading it reminds me of what I was going through at the time. Also, it shows me how my writing has transformed or how some of it has stayed stagnant.

Reading your old work lets you know what you should improve on and what you should continue doing. Assessment is very important, because, if you don't where you've been you don't know where you're going.

Remember, when the page comes to life...so do you.
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