Today, I would like to share with you the story of how I became a writer. Since I was a child, I've been writing. Over the years, I have filled up notebooks full of poems, diary/journal entries, plays, and short stories. I even started an unfinished novel in high school. However, none of these things made me a writer. I was simply a person who liked to write, but, I was not a writer. Believe me there is a difference.
I didn't officially become a writer until I was twenty-two years old and in my last year of college.

The reason I became a writer at twenty-two was because that's when I discovered my writer's voice and my writing style. I discovered my writer's voice through my manuscript, The Loudest Pen Ever. I started writing my manuscript after going to an amazing poetry slam. Upon coming home from the slam, I was terribly distraught. Now, I know that you're thinking why was she distraught after attending a great poetry slam? I was distraught, because, I had also read a poem that night and only received a mediocre response.

So once I got home, I turned on my laptop and started writing. I wrote whatever was on my mind. I wrote through the stream of consciousness of my mind. I did not censor myself nor did I think about what other people were going to think. Before I knew it, I had twenty pages written. But, not only that, I had discovered my voice as a writer and even more about myself.

I learned that I literally write the way I think and talk. And because, my mind is full of random, disconnected thoughts -- I tend to write this way (in my manuscript) and I also love telling. My stories are usually some dramatic incident from my life that I must tell in a comedic way. (which I do on my other blog loudpennies.blogspot.com)

So now that you've heard my story, I hope it will motivate you as you disvcover your writing style. Remember, when the page comes to life...so do you.
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