Step One: Figure out what topic you'd like to write about because that will determine the tone of the piece.

Step Two: Deteremine what you would like to convey. Are you simply telling people a story, educating people about a topic, or convincing people to feel or think a certain way about something?

Step Three: Write an eye catching introduction that will engage the readers. The introduction is where you pull the reader in so, if you want them to read on, you have to first get their attention.

Step Four: Start writing. But, just write don't overthink every word and sentence. Write now, edit later.

Step Five: Make sure that you stay on topic and that every sentence reinforces your original point.

Step Six: Write the conclusion. Just as you began on a strong note, you need to end on one. Re-state your main points but in a different way so you don't bore your readers. And make sure that the last sentence either leaves the reader wanting more or gives them a deep sense of satisfaction.
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