Today, I would like to talk about Writing Style and Why You Sould Experiment with different genres. Writing in many different genres can improve your writing and make you more diverse as an author.

How do you experiment with different genres? Simple, just do it. Write poems, short stories, screenplays, blog posts (on your blog or guest post on someone else's), or even a novel, if you're bold enough. When you first begin experimenting, your work may not be well read, and it may not even be that good. Don't worry about that, just write.

Writing is all about discovering yourself and your writing style, and exposing that path of self discovery to the world. Therefore, allowing yourself to write outside the box will give you freedom and will force you decide what type of writing you like to do best.

A writer that can write for many different genres attracts a broader audience. People will like and appreciate the fact that you are a multi-dimesional author. Why? Because, it means that you are a true writer. All you need is a pen, paper, and an idea and before long, the great American novel or screenplay has been written. Plus, being known for different genres means that you have the ability to please various audiences. Publishers will take note of this and your work is more likely to be published because they can publish your fiction or your non-fiction.

The last reason you should experiement with different genres is because it's fun. There's nothing like a change up. It gives you a chance to write about various things in a variety of ways. Too much of anything can kill you. Therefore, write whatever your heart desires, when your heart desires it, and maybe, just maybe, someone else's heart will desire it to.

Remember, when the page comes to life..so do you.
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