Today, I would like to talk about Blog Writing: Short Posts vs. Long Posts. There are many diffent ways to write Blog posts. Some posts are short and to the point, because, they rely on the pictures to do most of the talking. My fave examples of this are and These sites a fashion site and gossip site, respectively, and they let the picture be worth a thousand words, and they simply add descriptive sentences of the pictures. Other blogs are purely built on their written content and are usually harder to attaract an audience to. Pictures are easy to see and internalize, while written content requires that the reader, read your work, and then possibly interact with it by posting a comment.
So, how does one write a succesful short blog post? Once again, I am going to recommend the aforementioned sites: and or The Young, Black, and Fabulous is a website about black celebrity gossip. On, Natasha (the site owner) uses catchy phrases, her own version of the English language, and fresh outspoken take on the life of rich, black celebs. The site is fun and entertaining. The is all about fashionistas of color so, the posts are always vibrant pics of celebs in the latest trends. The written content is short and usually asks for feedback or interaction from readers. If you want your blog to get major interaction, then you should consider these types of posts. They are simple, easy to digest, and fun.
However, if you are a die-hard writer and want to use your blog as an outlet, then focus on your written content. Write great entertaining or informative posts that make people want to come back for more. If you want to be entertaining say outlandish things (if you're comfortable with that) that you know will make people laugh and therefore remember you. Or try to teach people something in the simplest way possible. Also, make sure the writing is conversational. The key to Blog writing is to make it readable and speakable simultaneously. Readers should feel like they know you. Even if your blog focuses on more serious topics there should still be a hint of your personality in your blog. After all, that's the great thing about blogging; blogging is not shackled to the notion of objectivity the way journalism is.
In conclusion, identify what type of Blogging you'd like to do short posts or longer posts, and then blog according to that style. Whichever, you choose doesn't matter just make sure you pick a style that works for you.
Remember, when the page comes to do you.
So, how does one write a succesful short blog post? Once again, I am going to recommend the aforementioned sites: and or The Young, Black, and Fabulous is a website about black celebrity gossip. On, Natasha (the site owner) uses catchy phrases, her own version of the English language, and fresh outspoken take on the life of rich, black celebs. The site is fun and entertaining. The is all about fashionistas of color so, the posts are always vibrant pics of celebs in the latest trends. The written content is short and usually asks for feedback or interaction from readers. If you want your blog to get major interaction, then you should consider these types of posts. They are simple, easy to digest, and fun.
However, if you are a die-hard writer and want to use your blog as an outlet, then focus on your written content. Write great entertaining or informative posts that make people want to come back for more. If you want to be entertaining say outlandish things (if you're comfortable with that) that you know will make people laugh and therefore remember you. Or try to teach people something in the simplest way possible. Also, make sure the writing is conversational. The key to Blog writing is to make it readable and speakable simultaneously. Readers should feel like they know you. Even if your blog focuses on more serious topics there should still be a hint of your personality in your blog. After all, that's the great thing about blogging; blogging is not shackled to the notion of objectivity the way journalism is.
In conclusion, identify what type of Blogging you'd like to do short posts or longer posts, and then blog according to that style. Whichever, you choose doesn't matter just make sure you pick a style that works for you.
Remember, when the page comes to do you.
Great tips! I have been blogging for a year and it's still a work in progress. Sometimes a blogger like myself gets discouraged and worries about traffic, but at the end of the day it's about content and your site.
Also, sometimes we write things and the commenters may not agree with what the writer has to say, so they feel the need to call the blogger a hater. Bloggers also need to be biased and to develop a thick skin when it comes to negative comments from readers.
Thanks for the feedback on my "girl on girl" post.
Also, these are great tips for a beginblogger like myself. I'm constantly worried/concerned about site traffic, that I forget about why I started the blog in the first place. Thanx again!
Mz. Virgo, you're right about how worrying about traffic can distract you from the content of your site. But, I am learning the hard way that great content will eventually lead people to your site.
Also, it is true that as a Blogger, you have to develop a thick skin when readers don't agree with you. A few months a go, a blog favorite of mine,, experienced an irate reader/commnenter. Apparently, the site's owner was emailed by a man who called her a coon, and a racist n-word. She posted the email and the guy was clearly deranged. There are some nut jobs on the net.
ash bunnie, your welcome (about me commenting on your blog). I think you should do a series of posts on the girl on girl saga. There's a reason that females hate on each other and I think your post could be the first of many.