Today, I would like to talk about writing style because writing style determines what your writing is about and what genre it should be placed in. For instance, if you like writing long descriptive stories using literary themes and symbols then you are probably a literary novelist. However, if you don't have the patience for long works but, still love to tell stories then you are a short fiction writer. And if you like to rhyme or play with words then you are probably a poet, specifically Spoken Word if you enjoy the performance aspect of poetry.

I believe that I am a storyteller because I love using narrative either in the first or third person so, I have categorized myself as a writer of narrative non-fiction. I have even distinguished myself myself in that genre because I implement comedy into my writing. Although narrative non-fiction is my favorite genre, I do dabble in other genres (which I recommend that you do) such as screenwriting and poetry.

Basically, the way in which you write is your writing style because how you put words together is unique to you and you only. In Song of Soloman, Toni Morrison uses naming to signify what each character or symbol represents, Richard Wright used character speech, descriptive language, and economic disparaties to illustrate the plight of African Americans in 20th century segregated America. But, contemporary writers like Terry McMillan and Omar Tyree rely mostly on the storytelling aspect and its ability to be relatable to readers. Meaning, because they are writing about problems/issues that people are currently dealing with then they are able to be at the forefront of pop culture because they are seen as the identifiers of the current social issues.

As I said earlier, my writing style is storytelling with comedic narrative therefore, I am classified as a narrative non-fiction writer. The reason you need to identify your writing style is so that when you tell people that you are a writer, you can tell them, I am a screenwriter because I like to tell stories in a visual manner, and because I have a dark side my speciality is horror films.

On that note, I'll say this, style your writing like you style your hair, meaning figure out what looks best on you to highlight your best qualities.
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