First of all, I would like to announce that both of my blogs are finally starting to get read and commented upon. Any blogger knows how great that feeling is. But, let me get to the point. Today's lesson is How to Find Joy in Writing.

As I discussed in my last post, it is hard for new writers/bloggers. You're just starting out so, it's hard to find your niche and because you don't have a major readership, you have no one to tell you what you're doing wrong. So, what do you do? You find little things about writing/blogging that makes you happy. How do you find these little things?

Ask yourself the following questions, "Why did I start writing this piece?", "Why did I start this blog", "What is this piece about?", "What is this blog about"? Answering these questions will give you more knowledge of the topic you are writing about and therefore, more direction. Once you have more direction, your writing will improve. Also, you'll be happy with the content you are writing or blogging.

This is where you find the joy in writing; because, you have now removed the element of misdirection and how to please people. You are now more comfortable and relaxed. Your newfound relaxation mode will make writing fun again. You can now write for yourself and yourself only. This means that you could care less about whether or not the writing or the blog posts get read. All you care about is the fact that you wrote something and it was beautifully crafted. So, who cares if you wrote the Great American Novel and no one knows. The fact of the matter is it got written.

Remember, when the page comes to life...so do you.
2 Responses
  1. *Ms.Glam* Says:

    Very helpful!

    I need to ask myself those questions since I'm so Brand New.


  2. CareyCarey Says:

    Is class open up in here? What's the price of membership *lol*.

    Ms. Longpen, you've hit on another of my topics. If you care to take on this mission, I'd like to direct you to another one of my posts. See, you and I are on the same thang and that's scary. I was (still am) trying to find my role ...my purpose for blogging and I said as much in a post called "what about a time called now". I think it's in my March posts. I've only been blogging for less than 2 months so I need all the help I can get. Drop by when class is out *smile*. I have a slip from home. Am outta here.

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